(报刊上的)答读者问专栏作家,答疑解惑专栏作家 An agony aunt is a person who writes a column in a newspaper or magazine in which they reply to readers who have written to them for advice on their personal problems.
The study also found that within each group there are usually clearly defined roles such as the agony aunt, the homemaker, the career girl, the socialite and the quiet one. 研究还发现,在每个朋友圈中,通常都有明确的角色定位,比如知心大姐、家居女、职场女强人、社交名媛和乖乖女。
Meet the world's youngest agony aunt: Evie, 8, launches website to solve your problems for just 10p. 认识一下世界上最小的知心姐姐:只有八岁的伊芙建了一个网站来解决你的难题,收费仅仅10便士。
The first thing people want to know when I say I'm an agony aunt is whether the problems are real, or whether they have been whisked up by me in an idle moment. 当我说自己是一个知心大姐时,人们最想知道的就是,那些问题是否都是真的,还是我闭门造车编出来的。
As a business agony aunt I actively go out touting for misery and so the people who come to me are a skewed sample. 作为一个商业知心大姐,我积极地去招徕痛苦,所以到我这里的人并不具备代表性。
On Wednesdays I write an agony aunt column in which I invite readers to do half the legwork by sending in problems and writing answers to other people's problems. 每周三我都会写一篇读者来信专栏文章,邀请读者发问题过来,并回答其他人的问题,以此省去了一半外出搜集情报的工作。
There is another "agony aunt" advice columnist in the United States who is equally popular and successful. 在美国,还有一位被称作解惑阿姨的忠告专栏作家,与艾比同样受欢迎,同样成功。
As an agony aunt, I found that by far the most common problem readers submitted came from rich and senior professionals who had all their basic needs more than catered for, leaving their souls in torment. 作为一位知心大姐,我发现迄今为止,读者提问中最常见的问题,来自于富有的资深专业人士。他们的基本需求早已得到满足,因此备受煎熬的是他们的心灵。
This strikes me as a good way to start; indeed, as an agony aunt, my advice to those who lost their jobs last week-at least to those with some money in their pockets-is to spend the immediate future on rest and play. 这我倒是突然觉得是个开头的好办法。的确,作为知心姐姐,我对丢掉工作的人至少是口袋里有一些钱的人的建议是,把最近的时间用来休息和玩耍。
As an agony aunt, I am used to people telling me that their jobs are meaningless. 作为一个读者来信专栏的作者,我见惯了人们向我诉说他们的工作毫无意义。
This advice runs counter to that being churned out by what I like to think of as the agony aunt community. 这个建议与我认为的知心姐姐群体给出的诸多建议相悖。
So after a year and a half on the job, have I found that being an agony aunt lives up to my dream? 那么,在做这份工作一年半以后,我是否认为当一位知心大姐成就了我的梦想呢?
But why, in this age of chat rooms and specialist advice groups, is there a need for a newspaper agony aunt? 可是在这样一个聊天室和专家咨询小组盛行的时代,为什么还需要知心阿姨报纸专栏呢?